Bones and joints

I. Types of bones

a) long bones


E.g.: femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna

b) flat bones


E.g.:  scapula                                                    bones of the skull

II. Structure of bones

  • cartilage
    • at the end of long bones
  • compact bone:
    • concentric rings (lamellae)
    • with central canals
  • spongy bone
    • numerous cavities
    • trabeculae – can be rearranged
    • red bone marrow
  • medullary cavity
    • yellow bone marrow
  • periosteum
    • covers the surface
    • rich in blood vessels and nerves


Bone marrow:

  • red bone marrow:

Produces blood cells

  • yellow bone marrow:
  • mostly adipose tissue


Can convert into each other.

III. Bone connections:

 Joints / articulations – where bones meet

 a) fixed

between cranial bones
fontanels: allow slight movement during birth


fusion :
sacrum, pelvis

cartilaginous joint:
cartilaginous discs between vertebrae
between ribs and sternum
slightly movable

 b) movable

synovial joints:
joints of the ankle, elbow, shoulder, knee


IV. Disorders:

  • dislocation: (=ficam) bones are separated, displaced at a joint

  • sprain: (=rándulás) stretching or tearing ligaments

  • arthritis: joint inflammation, autoimmune reaction

  • Osteoporosis:

extreme bone loss -> easily broken
peak density at 35
smoking, heavy drinking, lack of exercise
prevention: plenty of Ca2+, regular exercise

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