The human heart













In the thoracic cavity, lies between the lungs, behind the breast bone


  • fist-sized

  • layers:


  • pericardium – tough protective sac
  • heart muscle - myocardium
  • endocardium -> valves
  • cardiac muscle:


never gets tired (doesn’t fatigue)

striated muscle


cells branch

thickest in left ventricle’s wall




  • four-chambered: 2 atria + 2 ventricles
  • heart valves:

  • ensure a one-way flow of blood /prevent the backflow of blood
  • flaps of connective tissue
  • open and close passively because of pressure differences
  • like a door, which only opens in one direction.

    • atrioventricular (AV) valves separate atria from ventricles
      • stabilized by cord-like tendons
      • papillary muscles (contract in synchrony with the ventricles -> tension)
      • => valves cannot turn inside out

    • semilunar valves separate ventricles and arteries
      • consist of three crescent-shaped cusps

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 Heart cycle

 2 steps:

- atrial contraction – ventricular relaxation (diastole)
- atrial relaxation – ventricular contraction (systole)

The atria contract together and then the ventricles contract together.

Your heart beats 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year.
Watch this video.

Blood pressure

  • can be measured with a blood pressure meter
  • systolic pressure over diastolic pressure
  • measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg),
  • above the surrounding atmospheric pressure

Heartbeat - heart sounds


  • Lub-dub sound
  • caused by the closing of heart valves.
  • 1st the closing of the AV valves.
  • 2nd the closing of the semilunar valves.
  • using a phonocardiograph:
  • 3rd sound - filling with blood when ventricles relax
  • 4th sound - atrial contraction

How much blood does your heart pump per minute?

  • 70ml/contraction
  • 72 contractions/min
  • At rest pumps 5 litres of blood /minute
  • Strenuous exercise -> 7 times that amount
  • Unfit person – frequency increases
  • Fit people – blood volume increases

Conduction system

  • Own automatic pacemaker:
    • sinoatrial (SA) node in right atrium sends out a stimulus -> atria contract
    • atrioventricular (AV) node sends impulses along conducting fibers -> ventricles contract
    • sinoatrial (SA) node fires 70/min,
      atrioventricular (AV) node fires 40/min


ECG electrocardiogram

recording the electrical activity of the heart
with electrodes placed on the skin

The blood circuits of the cardiovascular system:

Pulmonary circuit
right ventricle -> pulmonary arteries (deoxygenated blood) -> capillaries of lungs -> pulmonary veins (oxygenated blood) -> left atrium.

Systemic circuit
left ventricle -> aorta -> systemic arteries of the body -> body capillaries -> veins -> right atrium of the heart.

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Coronary circulation  

  • supplies the heart with blood
  • heart attack:
    • lack of oxygen -> cells die
    • cause: arteriosclerosis

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