
Nutrition: The process by which living organisms obtain food necessary for metabolism.

The stages of nutrition are ingestion of nutrients, digestion, absorption and the elimination of wastes.

  • Nutrient: materials needed to maintain life functions
  • Nutriment (food) = nutrients + indigestible wastes


Képtalálat a következőre: „nutrients”

  1. proteins
  2. carbohydrates
  3. fats (lipids)
  4. fibres
  5. vitamins –small organic molecules, which the body cannot synthesize, only from pro-vitamins -> must be supplied by the diet

               a) fat soluble: can accumulate -> disorder

        • vitamin D
          • -> UV light in the skin
          • -> absorption of Ca -> bones => rickets
          • Egg yolk, liver, fish-liver oil
        • vitamin E
          • healthy cell membranes => red blood cells rupture (haemolysis)
          • vegetable oils, vegetables
          • normal blood clotting
          • liver functioning
          • vegetables, vegetable oils, liver, bacteria
        • vitamin A
          • -> skin => skin problems
          • -> light-sensitive pigment => night blindness
          • Milk, egg yolk, vegetables, fish-liver oil

                    b) water soluble: excess leaves in urine; enzyme parts

            • vitamin B1
              • nervous system => beriberi (tiredness, pain, circulatory problems)
              • yeast, meat, nuts, potato, legumes
            • vitamin B12
              • red blood cell production => anaemia
              • produced only by certain bacteria
              • meat, liver, egg, milk, sour cabbage
            • vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
              • for collagen synthesis =>scurvy
              • wound healing
              • resist infections
              • helps iron absorption
              • citrus fruits, tomato, green pepper, cabbage, potato
            • folic acid
              • production of red and white blood cells
            1. minerals
            2. water

            qualitative starvation: certain nutrients are lacking, in excess, or in the wrong proportions
            quantitative starvation: the organism gets less energy than needed

          Képtalálat a következőre: „éhezés”


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